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September 7, 2024

Ringed Ice Giant Neptune

Posted on September 7, 2024  •  1 minutes  • 117 words

图文来源自:nasa. copyright: NASA

lies near the center of this sharpnear-infrared image from the.The dim and distant world is the,about 30 times farther away than planet Earth.But in the stunning Webb view, the planet’s dark and ghostly appearanceis due to atmospheric methane that absorbs infrared light.High altitude clouds that reach above most of Neptune’s absorbing methaneeasily stand out in the image though.Coated with frozen nitrogen, Neptune’s largest moon Triton isbrighter than Neptune in reflected sunlight,seen at the upper left sporting the Webb telescope’s characteristic.Including Triton, seven of Neptune’s 14 known moons can bein the field of view.are striking in this space-based.Details of the complex ring system are seen here for the firsttime since Neptune was visited by the.