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August 22, 2024

Fermi's 12-year All-Sky Gamma-ray Map

Posted on August 22, 2024  •  1 minutes  • 128 words

图文来源自:nasa. copyright: Barb Mattson

Forget — imagine what you could see with vision! The shows what the universe looks like to NASA’s . Fermi sees light with energies about a billion times what the can see, and combines 12 years of Fermi observations. The colors represent the brightness of the , with brighter sources appearing lighter in color. The prominent stripe across the middle is the central plane of our . Most of the red and yellow dots scattered above and below the Milky Way’s plane are very , while most of those within are nearby . The background that fills the image is the from distant sources that are too dim to be detected individually. Some gamma-ray sources and topics of research — currently what they are.
